Your time is at a premium. And that means some things don’t get the attention they should, right? Your marketing is likely one of them. To be clear…you shouldn’t be involved in the fine details of your marketing. But neither should you be simply outsourcing it full stop, without any real oversight, to a marketing agency.
So, I put together this short video to help dentists who find themselves in this challenging situation. I’ll share how you can ensure your marketing is getting optimal results without taking up any more of your valuable time….which, let’s face it….you really don’t have to spare!
Hope you enjoy it!
– Kent
I hope you find this video helpful as you look to improve the results of your new patient marketing, and grow your practice. If you’d like to talk through this together, 1:1, and what it means for your practice, simply click on the following link, and sign up for a complimentary consultation:
I look forward to talking with you soon!

About Kent Sears
Kent provides over 15 years experience in consulting and marketing strategy. His work has spanned the globe, in both public and private sector, with leading companies such as Microsoft and T-Mobile. He brings his corporate experience to help private practice dentists realize their full business potential through more effective marketing strategies to stay competitive in the rapidly changing world of marketing and healthcare.