by Kent Sears | Dental Practice Marketing
Ever feel like most of the marketing products and services out there just don’t quite fit your unique practice situation? Or that the marketing agencies you’ve talked with are just pitching you the same exact thing as the last dentist they spoke with? (spoiler...
by Kent Sears | Dental Practice Marketing
From my vantage point as a marketing consultant to dentists, I get to see a fascinating view of the disconnect that often occurs between dentists and their marketing agencies. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of marketing and advertising agencies out there that...
by Kent Sears | Dental Practice Marketing
About 12 year ago, my wife and I bought our first house. We were coming from apartment living during the first few years of our marriage (with me going to school for my MBA, and then moving to Seattle and renting for a while before deciding that city would be our...
by Kent Sears | Dental Practice Marketing
I believe, without a doubt, that the single most confusing topic today in the world of dental marketing is SEO (search engine optimization). I hear more questions, confusion and mis-truths spoken around this topic than any other. And that’s unfortunate because it is...
by Kent Sears | Dental Practice Marketing
Take a guess at what that 6,000 represents? It’s the number of graduating dentists who will enter the workforce this coming summer and become your future competition. Now, not every single one of them will be your direct competitor of course. But, no matter where you...
by Kent Sears | Dental Practice Marketing
Take a guess at what that 6,000 represents? It’s the number of graduating dentists who will enter the workforce this coming summer and become your future competition. Now, not every single one of them will be your direct competitor of course. But, no matter where you...